I finally got some sneakers. I haven't owned sneakers since my last pair fell to bits a few months ago, they just were not high on my priority list, but I finally got some and have resolved to go for more walks. I have been thinking a lot lately about being more intentional about my parenting - and I know that the few times I do get my family out for a walk, we end up having some amazing fun discussions and good times together as we just enjoy each other's company. As a teenager, I used to take my little sister Danielle on walks, and we would chat about all sorts of stuff. It was a real special time for me (and hopefully her). Even as an adult, I find walking with my parents is one of the times we really have some good chats, and I want my kids to grow up chatting happily with me as we walk too. Never mind that It has the added benefit of being good for us all, and tiring out the kids! So this is going to become a regular thing I hope as I strive to spend more quantities of quality time with my family. It's all part of my cunning plan. Or my intentional parenting, depending on how you look at things.

So today I asked my family to join me for a Sunday walk. Because we don't do this very often (YET), we don't really know where we can go for a nice walk in a safe setting for the kids to let loose. I had often seen people walking along the stream of Havelock North as I drived over the bridge, so we decided to give that a go. Loaded with sunscreen and water bottles, we ventured off on our walk. There was no footpath, so Luke had to walk too, meaning the pace was really set for a gentle stroll along the water bank. As I chatted to Marty about needing to bring in the washing, feed the rabbits, chlorine the pool, oh - and what should we have for dinner - I paused and said "Actually, let's just stay on this walk all night!" As we turned a corner, we came across a beautiful peaceful meadow with plenty of lush grass and nice shady trees. We had only been walking for 5 minutes, but I decided a water break was in order in such a pretty spot and plopped myself down.

With visions of frisbee games, picnics and balls running through my head in this adorable spot, I enjoyed watching the girls literally frolic in the sunshine, and Luke toddle around happily after them. THIS is what family is about. Taking the time to get out of the chaos of life and breathe each other in. My heart felt full. I even joined the girls for a cartwheel and handstand demonstration! Luke tried hard to join in, making us all gigggle as he popped his head on the ground and his nappy clad bum in the air. It was just the icing on the cake when our lovely friends rounded the corner, walking their dog. The girls raced up to Katie, who they adore, and didn't want to let her continue her walk! We chatted before we continued our walk. Strolling through the grass hand in hand with Marty, Luke running alongside us in his crazy flailing style with his shoulders hunched up and arms in full flight behind him; and the giggling best friend girls running in front of us.....bliss. I could eat that moment in our week and it would be the yummiest thing ever. This is why I write this blog. To record those feelings, those moments, these times that will fly by. I just hope that in another 10 years time, I am still able to write blogs about our family Sunday Strolls.
I had to take this snapshot of the girls sitting quietly watching the water and chatting.... |
...And then they spotted me coming and gave me this cheeky pose! |
Very good blog Nikki. Sounds like you had a fantastic afternoon enjoying God amazing creation. I've always loved walking and would be happy to show you some places when I'm firing on all cylinders again! Murray