Luke has just discovered the joys of water play in this hot weather. Until a couple of days ago, he was not at all interested in the pool. I decided he might gain some confidence if I went in with him, and he had a blast with me, playing 'jump to mummy' and 'wishy washy (splash game)'. Now, I can't get him out! He says NO and unsteadily walks away across the pool when I try. He loves it. Check out him trying to be just like his sisters, attempting to kneel in the pool and going right up to his chin! He likes to pop his nose in the water too, but chickens out before putting his whole face in. What a water baby.

Anyway, Today it is 3 days before Christmas and as I said to Marty this morning "whoever invented the need to have lots of baking at Christmas obviously lived in a cold climate". I started my baking at 8.30am, but was still icing biscuits at 2pm. I got so hot, I joined the kids in the pool after. Not really a great NZ tradition in our 30 degree heat!

Yes, Christmas is the "most wonderful time of the year" - once the cooking, cleaning and financial pressure is taken out of the equation. In other words, Christmas is wonderful for kids! Meanwhile, mummy and daddy are wondering if we have enough money left in the account to pay the mortgage this month after all the present and food shopping is done. Today I weeded the garden, baked 2 quiches, gingerbread cookies and rolled truffles. I did the last of the grocery shopping, including an expensive trip out to the berry farm. And all in this disgusting heat that kept me awake most of last night. Ah well, tonight I will re-enter the 'wonderful time' spirit with a trip to the "Fiesta of Lights" show with the family. And we did have our carols pumping all day!

Meanwhile, as I was busy being santa's busy little elf, the kids were in and out of the pool all day. The lawns are rather dry, so I introduced Luke to sprinkler fun today. He thought it was the coolest, standing against the wall and saying "ready...go!" and then giggling into the spray where he stood for some time enjoying the coolness on his face. I just sat down and watched him. What fun! Yep, this is Christmas in New Zealand....sweating in the heat, lots of water play and strawberries.
:) Love reading your blog