Note to self - remember that people, including my parents, actually read this blabber. Hehe.
But anyway, I am back. With a bigger photo storage.
So...what has my week been like? Well let's begin where I was so rudely interrupted. With those cute photos of Luke discovering the fun of a paddling pool for the first time:
Lukes sisters think he is just the cutest thing |
oops, got a bit wet that time! hehehe |
An iceblock shared on a hot day |
...a few days later, I impulsively decided that since my kids adore water, we should get a real pool. One that didn't take me an hour to fill up before I have to empty it every 3 days and start again. One that had a cover and high sides so Luke could play safely outside still. So I did it. We now own an 8 foot pool, with a proper pump, filter and chlorine. After a heated discussion with Marty about fencing laws, we have it filled to exactly 40cm deep, the legal limit without fencing in the pool. Its pretty cool. Except that the girls, who have been so used to their 10cm deep nice warm shallow pool, won't swim in it. Sigh. Apparently it is too cold for them. I am assuming that as the weather warms up, they will eventually stay in the pool longer then the current 5 minutes dip they have at the moment, standing in the water staring at their feet and debating whether it is warm enough to get wet above the waist (it isn't).
Oh, and did I mention that Luke is now 18 MONTHS OLD! It dawned on me the other night that somehow our youngest child managed to grow up without me knowing. The next thought was the realisation that Luke has managed to get away with a few baby habits for a little too long that he still gets a bottle whenever he wakes in the night because he won't be quiet otherwise. Well, that was that. Two nights ago, I decided that he can have his bedtime bottle and then that is it for the night. At 10pm, he woke screaming as per normal, wanting his bottle but I didn't cave. I held him as he threw the biggest tantrum ever, crying blue murder and hitting out at me and him. I kept offering him water which he was not impressed about. Eventually he sighed in defeat and popped his thumb in his mouth. I tucked him in and didn't hear from him again until 7.30am. That is one to mum!
Last night, he only took about 10 minutes to settle without his bottle, so I am hoping it will be even better tonight. My baby boy is growing up and it is time to drop that comfort feed buddy!
That's enough for now...Jaimee has her gymnastics prize-giving tomorrow, so until then.....
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