Each year, Hastings put on a 'fiesta of lights' show, where we can pay $4 each to wander through a sparkling display of fairy lights in every form. We didn't go last year, but decided it was time to take the kids again, who we knew would just love it.

We shook the girls awake at 9pm (obviously, it starts after dark!) which went against every grain in my parenting body, only countered by the knowledge that I was doing this to give my kids a special memory to treasure of this Christmas treat. It wasn't easy to wake the girls, who sleep soundly. I finally picked Kate up out of her bed and stood her up as I talked to her about what we were going to do. Kate stood wobbly for a moment before climbing back onto her bed and lying down! Eventually, we had all the kids bundled into the car, Luke looking a bit puzzled at this night time trip. We picked up Granma and Grandad much to the delight of the kiddies and took them with us.

It took the kids a little while to wake up, but they were soon racing through the "maze" of fairy ropes laid out on the ground and admiring the many different characters along the way - including kiwis, dolphins and even tiki!

They just loved running through the hoops of lights and dancing under the disco ball set high in a tree. Some lovely older people nearby commented on little Luke as he danced with his big sisters, keeping up with them and enjoying the freedom to run and leap at NIGHT. I had to keep a close eye on them all as they took off to see all the sights in the dark park, yelling at them to wait for mummy a few times!

There was a fun caravan style room set up with holes in the sides which we had to peek through. As we peered in, what we couldn't see was that we were actually putting our heads onto a body painted on the wall below us! I had to go around to the other side of the caravan to actually see who it was that Luke and Kate had become which was fun...apparently I was a monkey as I snapped this photo!
My favourite would have to be this star, which changed colours and patterns as it played different songs. We all sat down to watch it, even Luke was captivated - better then Kidzone channel.
Spirited music (including Gangnum style) blasted as we walked around the displays. Marty joined the kids dancing to some pretty ballet music, he looks a little sheepish to be caught on camera as he twirled and leapt....
On the way home, we drove past some of the known decorated houses and even stopped to talk to 'Santa' at one! It was a magical evening, and I hope the kids will remember it with as much fondness as we will.
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